The uploader cannot handle filenames with multibyte characters on some hosts, such as FileSonic, FilePost and Multiupload.
Now I only found this issue on the two hosts, so the subject is focused on the 3 sites.
This issue doesn't appear on XFileSharing Pro based sites, such as FileServe, UploadStation, and FileJungle.
Besides, MegaUpload and MediaFire don't have this trouble, too.
In order to provide a safe and quick example, I just create a simple txt file to upload.
1) Multiupload
1a) This file is uploaded by my browser (Firefox); OS is Win2008 English version (language of OS doesn't affect the result)
The filename is correct.

1b) This file is uploaded by z_o_o_m's File & Image Uploader (without proxy)
You can see the filename becomes "??????????????.txt".

2) FileSonic
2a) It's uploaded by a browser
It works properly.
2b) This one is uploaded by z_o_o_m's File & Image Uploader (without proxy)
The problem is the same as Multiupload.
Please at least fix the issue of FileSonic, FilePost and Multiupload.