There iss an massive Problem with uploading to Netload accounts.
After updating to 6.0.9 every File demands an Passwort after uploading. And yes it is 100% sure, it is set properly on the Netload-Page "Mein Konto".
Also it don't works properly if typing in the Password manually on Zoom's demand, the file will be accepted, but doesn't show up in the Account, it was only uploaded as unregistered User. (BTW: typing in the Password manually doesn't worked in the previous Versions of Zoom in the same way, but now, additionally, it won't work, even the Password is set on Netload-Page too).
So to verify the Problem, i tested it this way: Starting Zoom's 6.0.8 Version and uploading an password-protected File to Netload (Password set on Netload-Page), this works well. Then i updated Zoom to Version 6.0.9 and uploading the same file to the same account, zoom asks now for the Archive-Password and if typed in, the file don't show up in Account (uploaded as unregistered User).
So please Fix this issue

Additionally this occurs also in previous Versions (May it Helps to find the issue): Sometimes the check "Use Account" for netload disappears for no reason and the Files are also uploaded as unregistered User. I had severeal times go to Settings-> Hoster and check "Use account" for Netload again, than it worked again normally for an while.