apparently, if there is a problem with login, my app can't upload correctly to your account ...
The account has to be GREEN and ACTIVE. In your last screen I can see, that it is not active.
I forgot to say that when the account its "red" the account change to "no" but the pictures was only to show you the error, i always turn it ON / Green
Run my app, do the same again (good bad good bad ...) and then send a report from my app. I will try to find out.
im going to use the multiupload from the web to see if i get any kind of error.
PD: I already send a report for this error and have your answer

Copy & paste:
ME: "hey z_o_o_m i found a weird problem with megaupload, 1 link its uploaded fine when it jump to the next in the list dont upload
anything and show me "Error 100%" and jump to the next and that link upload fine again, and the same happens with almost all the
links 1 good upload, then error (without uploading anything)
With the others host like rapidshare i dont have this problem.

YOU: "go to settings and search for some settings to solve "EDecompressionError:ZLib Error" problem ...
I hope it will help

For now the error of not uploading anything has been fix, maybe this has something to do with the account problem?