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Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 07-09-2024, 16:40:03 »

Great. If you experience this problem again, mail me.
Posted by: uploadslot
« on: 06-09-2024, 16:11:04 »

I did tested on my sdd and it was faster there and don't exp this

Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 04-09-2024, 17:35:38 »

that's weird. I don't know why that happens. You can try to download my app into a new folder and test it with clean settings.
Posted by: uploadslot
« on: 31-08-2024, 07:08:56 »


I set my parallel upload count to 8 but there are only sometime 2-4 that start uploading
whenever it finished the other uploading
that's when it will start the uploading of others.

its always 2-4 that start uploading, 4 uploading slot continuously is rare
