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If you want to report a problem with any failed upload, right click such red line in the program and send bug report from program.
I usually do not need any screenshot or video for this. I will check why it failed and I will reply you with an email.

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Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 19-12-2010, 15:52:32 »

sorry, can't help ... well, if you send me your code, I could try to change it ... but now I use Windows function and it is not really good
Posted by: cvrle77
« on: 12-12-2010, 16:24:02 »

links are dropped 4 by 4, with 2 seconds pause, and none of them were detected... <===that is the problem...

69 links in a row weren't detected, not 'some' was like folder monitoring was on coffee break, while I was trying to move them...

and when I moved them out from monitoring folder, and back again, folder monitoring was back in life...

Btw, I use folder monitoring too, from my app...c#, and it never misses anything...
Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 12-12-2010, 16:04:17 »

I don't see anything weird on that when you move the same files again into the folder my app detects it and uploads - that is nto a bug,
my app does not check whether you uploaded such file already

I use windows system functions for folder monitoring, I know that it can miss some files
Posted by: cvrle77
« on: 12-12-2010, 15:48:27 »

links are dropped 4 by 4, with 2 seconds pause, and none of them were detected..., after I moved them to different folder, and dropped them again into monitoring folder, they started to upload, WITHOUT restarting uploader. Yes, very interesting, I didn't restart uploader, and dropped same files again, and it

Now, like always, I am the guy that can produce impossible, and you are the guy that tells me that my PC is broken...I know the story.
But, the bug exists, whether you like it or not...also, nothing else was working in the background.and this does not happen all the time, but sporadically, whenever it feels like it want it to happen. There is no pattern when this happen, but happens every day, at least 4-5 times.

NONE of this makes sense to me, but maybe you, as coder of this fine software, can catch what's an issue. Problem is so strange in behavior, that I have no words other than this.
