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If you want to report a problem with any failed upload, right click such red line in the program and send bug report from program.
I usually do not need any screenshot or video for this. I will check why it failed and I will reply you with an email.

Report bug

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shortcuts: hit alt+s to submit/post or alt+p to preview

Topic Summary

Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 07-12-2024, 13:13:29 »

I will update it
Posted by: jbuploader
« on: 15-11-2024, 02:09:21 »

Bunkrr underwent a big redesign recently, and they seem to have changed the domain as well. now redirects to, and the upload page is Would it be possible to have the domain updated? Uploading to Bunkrr with this program is much more reliable for me than uploading through the browser.

Thank you.