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If you want to report a problem with any failed upload, right click such red line in the program and send bug report from program.
I usually do not need any screenshot or video for this. I will check why it failed and I will reply you with an email.

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Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 14-06-2018, 15:44:22 »

It has to be green. Recheck your account. Then send bug report from settings (use the mail button).
Posted by: cipry
« on: 14-06-2018, 08:20:19 »

Thanks for the reply..I try to clean my Internet cache but still don't work.
multiple CloudFlare pages open and close, but upload failed.
My account say account YES, but is not in green color.
my username and pass are correct.
Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 13-06-2018, 17:23:17 »

Do you mean It works fine if you pass the protection.
CloudFlare protection should disappear after few seconds. If you have any problem with that, try to clean Internet Explorer cache etc.
Posted by: cipry
« on: 12-06-2018, 15:38:02 » have issue while uploading...a cloudflare windows popup and upload don't work. :(
can you check please.