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Offline venux

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« on: 14-11-2013, 07:45:43 »
Hi, can you update multi-hoster please?

they change little things into API like possibility to choose file-hosts into account.

Before, you used with GET method.
So that, all file-hosts were selectionned.

Now, if upload is anonymous, do it like before.  ;)

But if user has an account, please use a POST method with 2 parameters : username and password.
You will have a new array with : disableHosts. Theses file-hosts should not be selectionned for upload.

example :
curl -F "username=USER" -F "password=PWD" ""
in this exemple, you should not upload on

Thanks  :)
« Last Edit: 13-12-2013, 11:46:59 by z_o_o_m »


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