Latest version 6.5.8 there and the Mediafire refuse to work at all.
I can login into my account there, by the email + pass, yet I never get the filerequester. Could be because old browser (Firefox v3.1 beta 3), but tried in reasonably new Opera (11.64) and also doest not get into the file opening thing.
And even chacking the account fail with FileUploader.
Is this a known bug?
Oh, I'm wrong. When I tried it for the second time, it just started working! Whoa.Now I feeling a little dumb... lol Upload speed is pretty slow, tough. But for some english users it work well, so I have to use it, sometimes. is much better anyway

Let's hope I get the link then... unlike, lol...
Got it. Seems that all is working just nicely!