Author Topic: Error when uploading for a while  (Read 3421 times)

Offline starcow

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Error when uploading for a while
« on: 07-02-2011, 03:18:18 »
      Before going to bed every night, I used to upload 2gb data to Megaupload Premium account. However, next day Fileuploader show me a message that are Critical error, system error Code:87 ,and EOSError. Then I open the "FileUploader.err" that indicate as following.
2011.02.06 22:10:28 Error #11
2011.02.07 03:54:13 AP:Canvas does not allow drawing : EInvalidOperation
2011.02.07 03:54:40 AP:控制代碼無效。 : EOutOfResources
2011.02.07 03:54:40 AP:Division by zero : EDivByZero
2011.02.07 03:54:42 AP:Error creating window device context : EOutOfResources
2011.02.07 03:54:46 AP:Out of system resources : EOutOfResources

 Could you help me to fix this problems?  Thanks a lot.

My operation system is WIN7 x64, and install Ramdisk(Superspeed).
There is no antivirus program in my system
« Last Edit: 14-03-2011, 12:06:43 by z_o_o_m »

Offline z_o_o_m

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Re: Error when uploading for a while
« Reply #1 on: 07-02-2011, 09:42:27 »
no idea why that should happen


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