Hi. With each new release new file hosts and image hosts are added. I think it would be helpful it buttons were added at the
bottom of the "Hostings View" section to check all or remove all checked file and image hosts. A set of buttons for each file host
and image host areas.
The reason for this is for example, today I had to install FileUploader to this computer after upgrading and once I entered my
license I still have to manually go through all the file and image hosts and uncheck all of the ones I am not a member or and do not
upload to. I personally have 4 subscriptions to file upload sites and it's kind of a pain to manually uncheck all of the boxes one at a
Here is a screen shot of where I think the buttons might go.
I think just 2 buttons under each section would be great.
Thanks for listening and thank you for a great uploader.