Author Topic: Megaupload close the connection  (Read 3611 times)

Offline MarkPaulG

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Megaupload close the connection
« on: 07-10-2010, 22:19:40 »

I am triying to Upload some file to megaupload (premium account)

I have a 2.4 Mbps upload, the files start correctly speed about 200-300, but when it is in middle of the progress the file stop and Progress jump to 100% and of course there is no link found.
I just have completed some files but mostly it is almost impossible to upload 100%.

is this a problem in megaupload server?

I have no antivirus in this moment.

Thanks a lot if anyone can help me with this.
« Last Edit: 21-10-2010, 14:34:50 by z_o_o_m »

Offline MarkPaulG

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Re: Megaupload close the connection
« Reply #1 on: 07-10-2010, 23:06:39 »
Hi again, :)

I can confirm this is a problem with megaupload, for some reason they are rejecting my IP, my ISP have started to give same IP to a lot of users, and I think megaupload must be overloaded and reject some IPs

I am using now a proxy server and it is working perfectly,

if I use my direct connection megaupload close the connection in seconds or minutes after upload has started

anyway FIU is working great, there is nothing we can do about this

anyone knows if megaupload limit IPs by amount of traffic for uploads ? I think this is happening

Offline z_o_o_m

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Re: Megaupload close the connection
« Reply #2 on: 07-10-2010, 23:36:05 »
I have no idea ;)


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