Forum - File & Image Uploader

English (Global) => Requests => Completed => Topic started by: senseiz on 20-02-2010, 15:12:24

Title: Search Within File Manager
Post by: senseiz on 20-02-2010, 15:12:24
Wow, I just found out z-o-o-m supports the Universal File Manager, it is a great way for me to get MU links cleanly because MU native file manager blows big time.

Thanks for that, but I have thousands of files, and it lists them all, slowly.

How about a search function?? So if I am looking for a specific set of files I can easily search using your tool

THANKS and you will be seeing a donation from me!
Title: Re: Search Within File Manager
Post by: z_o_o_m on 20-02-2010, 15:15:29
the work is still in progress ... right now there is no search function ...
But you can sort the list (click on the column name) and then search by name (just press some letter).
Title: Re: Search Within File Manager
Post by: LaFamilia on 02-03-2011, 20:47:33
Hallo z_o_o_m,
ich habe auch Interesse an einer Suchfunktion.
Ist es möglich, diese fuer die Uploadhistory umzusetzen?

Alles Gute
Title: Re: Search Within File Manager
Post by: z_o_o_m on 02-03-2011, 20:48:32
it is on my list :)