Forum - File & Image Uploader

English (Global) => Bug reporting => Topic started by: cipry on 13-02-2024, 09:47:37

Title: [OK] - upload don't works
Post by: cipry on 13-02-2024, 09:47:37
I try to use this host, login everything fine and green status, but when upload something it failed.
I also send to you the logs errors via zoom app.
Hope you will be able to fix it soon.
Thanks a lot.

Here are the logs:
2024-02-13 10:41:54 UP: Send(1) (HTTPProtocolException:HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden) (
Title: Re: - upload don't works
Post by: z_o_o_m on 15-02-2024, 21:45:37
It works fine on my computer. It seesm the site is blocked on your computer.
Title: Re: [OK] - upload don't works
Post by: Flamman on 23-11-2024, 23:46:03
120 days later I have exactly the same problem: Error Premium does not load files.
I have already sent the report. Is there any solution?
Title: Re: - upload don't works
Post by: z_o_o_m on 24-11-2024, 14:37:09
Their site uses cloudflare protection and it seems it blocks uploading on your computer. It works fine for me. Can you upload from browser on this computer?
Title: Re: [OK] - upload don't works
Post by: Flamman on 24-11-2024, 19:18:50
Yes, it charges perfectly.

Files smaller than 5 MB are uploaded but not to the Premium account. It's as if he raised it to the general.
Files that are a little big don't upload even one.
Title: Re: - upload don't works
Post by: z_o_o_m on 24-11-2024, 21:12:29
It seems they made some changes on their site. Try to restart program and upload 1 bigger file again if it works.
Title: Re: [OK] - upload don't works
Post by: Flamman on 25-11-2024, 11:04:14
Pleasant surprise, now it works. Your work is excellent:

Uploaded 2.5 GB file without problems

Thank you very much.