Forum - File & Image Uploader

English (Global) => Bug reporting => Topic started by: Jinxy1961 on 13-05-2016, 07:22:23

Title: [OK] Google Drive upload failures
Post by: Jinxy1961 on 13-05-2016, 07:22:23
Is anyone else suddenly having issues uploading to their Google Drive? I'm now getting failures across the board with my uploads through zoom. Need to know if it is them or me.

Also when I tried to connect to this forum via the zoom program it said Chrome wouldn't allow it. Which it has never done before either. Not sure if that helps or not. The message I get reads "Google Chrome is unresponsive. Relaunch now?" It doesn't matter if you choose "yes" or not, as it immediately closes that window and refuses to relaunch.

Title: Re: Google Drive upload failures
Post by: Jinxy1961 on 13-05-2016, 11:03:00
Additional notes to add. I cleaned the cache (spelling?), closed the browsers, cleaned all problem files from zoom to start fresh, rebooted the computer, restarted Chrome, logged back into my Google Drive, then restarted zoom. Then added the same exact same files as before to zoom and ended with the same results. Not sure at this point what the issue is. As I'm not getting any errors when I look around at my previous files that were uploaded from zoom to my Google Drive. Those all appear like they should and are working fine in my Google Drive. It is just not allowing any new files to be uploaded from zoom to Google Drive, and yes I do have an unlimited Google Drive account, which means that is not the issue.

I also received an email from zoom wanting a report from zoom, which I have sent twice now, but not sure that the report is being received properly either. I did right click on the links in that refused to upload twice now and have sent the report with my name and email address like it asked for. I hit send and it said it went through from my end of things so again I'm lost on why (A) you are not receiving the proper reports and (B) how to resolve said issue.

Title: Re: Google Drive upload failures
Post by: z_o_o_m on 13-05-2016, 11:06:55
My program works correctly. Google returns "The user has exceeded their Drive storage quota". Check your drive.