Forum - File & Image Uploader
English (Global) => Bug reporting => Topic started by: jaycam on 25-02-2013, 06:32:53
I had to rebuilt my pc and downloaded the latest FIU from site (6.4.7). I registered with my key, and build profiles from scratch, saved them. When I relaunched the app, it came back as freeware, no profiles saved. I noticed that the folder where I decompressed the app, the skins and the dlls has less files than what I remember it had on the crashed pc. I know I am missing the dll where the application saves the info about the profiles. The thing is, that I downloaded everything from page. I think the dlls posted on your site have some of them missing. Can you please verify and tell me how can I get the rest of the files I need?
DLLs from my homepage are fine, they are needed for some sites to work,
settings are stored in the ".nast" file
Why do I have to rebuild the profiles when i restart FIU? Also, the application comes back as freeware instead of registered.
it means that there is some problem with saving settings,
make sure that my program can access the settings file in the same folder
How do I make sure that the programs is saving as it is supposed to? Obviously, it is not, since I have to rebuild profiles every time I start the application. What can I do to change this? Please provide step-by steps intructions.
well, delete the settings file (.nast), run program and close it,
the settings file should appear there - if it does, it means that settings are correctly
I follow your instructions and the issue is now solved. Here is a detail of what I did ( to help others in same thing happens to someone).
I deleted the .nast file from the installed folder and launched the app. Went to Help to register FIU and noticed that the register option was not available. The .nast file was not created.
Closed the app and relaunched, this time the .nast file was created, but could not register the app because the option was still not available. During this process I had no internet connection running. I closed the app and relaunched (third time), this time I had internet connection and the option to register was available. Registered the app, closed it one more time and relaunched; everything worked as expected. Thanks for your guidance,very useful.