Forum - File & Image Uploader

English (Global) => Requests => Completed => Topic started by: eiswuerfel on 17-04-2012, 22:49:46

Title: [OK] Link Export
Post by: eiswuerfel on 17-04-2012, 22:49:46
Ich benötige eine Funktion die die Links im folgenden Format Exportiert:



Währe echt klasse wenn das umgesetzt werden kann.

mfg Eiswürfel
Title: Re: Link Export
Post by: z_o_o_m on 18-04-2012, 08:26:36
you can export it only like this "Dateiname.rar", then you just add a new line

it is in settings clipboard copy format
Title: Re: Link Export
Post by: eiswuerfel on 19-04-2012, 20:47:03
Thank you.

Can i get a example for setting?
Title: Re: Link Export
Post by: z_o_o_m on 19-04-2012, 22:46:16
right click the field and choose what you need