Forum - File & Image Uploader
English (Global) => Bug reporting => Topic started by: Oron on 12-04-2011, 21:07:26
I have problem with, i tried with 3-4 usernames and same problems. I cannot login in my account. Please fix it.
version 5.9.3
I see, there really seems to be a problem, I will fix that
Definatelly Oron have problems....I hope that they will be fixed.
so? when are you going to fix this?
always tell myself - never purchase delphi applications, but nooo
what? :D
oron works fine ...
- go to their web, logout, login
- login in my app
I tested that and it works for sure
btw. quality of any program does not depend on language ;)
and my program works fine
I will add captcha support for this in the next release, so everything should be perfect
oron works fine
I cannot seem to download any files from oron server. also not accessible.
What is going on?
why you ask here?
this is not support site!
this site is probably down