Forum - File & Image Uploader

English (Global) => Requests => Completed => Topic started by: SatArabia on 14-11-2010, 14:05:49

Title: [OK] sure add many features
Post by: SatArabia on 14-11-2010, 14:05:49
Hey Wassup First i want to congrate you about this wonderful Programme anyway to me couiple of adds will be so awesome

1 account supprt
2 digzip account support
3 and the most important festure allow us to edit on multiuple file hosters i mean in site like digzip if decide yo upload throw the site will demande you and force you to upload to like 8 hosters or 5 something like that i don't remeber but if you upload with FU will upload to all the sites will give you a free ticket to ip ban and that's just a disaster to me i dont' want to earn i don't want to anything nut to upload to many sites so i can go to the next topic i don't care about my files goes to hotfile account or my fileserve or not my first priority is to upload the file on many filehoaters and that's it
4 give me the bottom line man you upgrades is so hard to undersatnd put some prices make it clear you say there is a different between the registered accoutn and the premium account but i have ano idea how each one's cost even in cost bar
Cost    ---    donation    individual

what is that mean still not clear how muich does every one cost
so if you don't want to edit it it's ok atleast answer me here so i can purchase one of the two and i haope you edit the donation page it won't take too much we just want to know the prices so we can buy it's your right to ask for a price for your work i do the same either any way much much love and support for your porg and you
and waitingr for your respond have a nice day you too FU community have a nice day and if you were muslim Happy adha eid Peace too all
Title: Re: sure add many features
Post by: z_o_o_m on 14-11-2010, 14:27:52
- I will try to add account support if possible
- right now I can't make it to choose the sites you want as this is very various and is not easy
- this program is basically freeware, donation is enough for common users ... other prices are individual, send me a mail what you need
Title: Re: sure add many features
Post by: SatArabia on 15-11-2010, 16:31:45
ok good luck to add those feats

anyway i want to know how to get the registered key i think by atleat donate 3$ to any of your account in the donate page confirm that for me please

and i also wanted to know how much does the premium version cost so i can buy if it very personal pm me waiting for your respond thank you and have a nice day
Title: Re: sure add many features
Post by: z_o_o_m on 15-11-2010, 16:59:02
yes, if you donate, you will get a registered version ... note that you can spend more if you like my app, not just the minimal amount

you write me a mail or anything and tell my why do you need premium version, what features you need to be increased / unlocked and I'll tell you the price
Title: Re: sure add many features
Post by: SatArabia on 17-11-2010, 13:48:30
check your pm  ^-^