Forum - File & Image Uploader

English (Global) => Requests => Completed => Topic started by: siella on 14-10-2010, 11:13:26

Title: Simple file verification (SFV)
Post by: siella on 14-10-2010, 11:13:26
Can you add this function for splitted files.(rar or on the fly)
Title: Re: Simple file verification (SFV)
Post by: z_o_o_m on 14-10-2010, 11:17:29
can you make any example how it should look like?
Title: Re: Simple file verification (SFV)
Post by: siella on 14-10-2010, 12:44:21
Svf file use for file verification. in there you can find more inf. Total commander ,  quicksfv can creative svf file.

When downloaded a file sometimes file corrupted if you have svf file you can see corrupted or not. Maybe when rar files  corrupted you  can  understand but Specialy on the fly method you can't understand corrupt also sometimes rar file doesn't corrupt when dowloanding it corrupt creating rar. So if verification is good you can see it corrupt when creating.

Well if you add creating svf options it will be perfect.