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Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 23-01-2025, 18:23:32 »

I see. I probably did not think about groups. I have to check it. This will be more difficult it seems
Posted by: GaGafunia
« on: 23-01-2025, 06:47:54 »

when i add custom sorting my links stop copying with
ctrl + x and if i copy with right click links copied but with out Group header copy format.

and when i remove custom sorting and leave blank every thing come to normal.
Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 30-12-2024, 11:24:32 »

Wait for the next update, it will be there in Settings - File hosters - Upload limits.
It is not super user-friendly but it will work.
Posted by: GaGafunia
« on: 30-12-2024, 06:02:13 »

Donation amount details have been sent to your email.
Please take your time and do it whenever it’s convenient—there’s no rush.
Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 07-12-2024, 13:30:05 »

I don't have enough time to implement that. If you or anyone can donate for that, mail me and I can change the priority.
Posted by: GaGafunia
« on: 23-11-2024, 08:45:31 »

If you can, great.If not, that’s okay.

We truly love your program. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful creation.
Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 20-11-2024, 21:15:13 »

That would be difficult, I would have to add some custom sorting option.
Posted by: GaGafunia
« on: 18-11-2024, 18:59:21 »

yes you are right i want to place my fav one on top

means its url always show on top it don't matter if that file host name starts with z
Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 17-11-2024, 19:23:01 »

My program sorts alphabetically. There is no custom sorting mechanism.

The example is also alphabetically. Do you want custom sorting like
Posted by: GaGafunia
« on: 16-11-2024, 13:28:17 »


I am getting my Url in alphabetical order.

Suppose if i upload a file in 3 hosts and Host Name A,B,C

then my url appear like this

First line A Url
Second line B Url
Third line C Url

But i want to set
C on first line A on second and B on third ? I hope you understand my question.

Here is example

I need to show some links on top and some on last ?