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Posted by: tondelaya
« on: 06-08-2013, 17:32:47 »

Wow thanks a lot :)
Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 06-08-2013, 17:06:29 »

I will change it for registered users
Posted by: tondelaya
« on: 06-08-2013, 16:49:28 »

Any news on the topic? ;)
Posted by: tondelaya
« on: 17-07-2013, 15:36:43 »

not yet, wait ;)
Alright, thanks :)
Posted by: z_o_o_m
« on: 17-07-2013, 07:42:05 »

not yet, wait ;)
Posted by: tondelaya
« on: 16-07-2013, 22:15:06 »

No statement?
Posted by: tondelaya
« on: 12-07-2013, 19:22:23 »


First of all, great programm! Really enjoy working with it :)

However, I just came over a little thing that's kind of annoying. When I select the uploaded links and right-click to protect the links with, there's an option to give the crypted folders a name.
When I type in a name for any folder, it all works fine, but when I visit my container control panel on it looks like in the screenshot below.
newbielink: [nonactive]
As you can see, every folder name starts with "Protected with FUp (". I don't have a problem with that at all but there are 2 problems with that:
1) When you don't choose a folder name in your programm, the "auto detect title"-function (when no name is chosen, the folder title is detected automatically from the file names) doesn't work because the above written sentence is filled in automatic.
2) When you choose a folder name, there's also that sentence but also the chosen folder title afterwards. Not a problem, you think, right? ;) Wrong! As you can see in the screenshot, the folder name is cut off because their website layout is shit, so you have to open up every folder to know what's in it.

So, after that bunch of text, I would ask you if you could change the programm, so that your sentence is printed after the chosen title?

Hope you're taking my request into consideration :)
