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Requests / Re: Customization of file logs
« Last post by z_o_o_m on 07-07-2024, 11:18:15 »
That's a log. My program uses that to show history of the uploads.
Why do you need a different format?
Requests / Re: and
« Last post by z_o_o_m on 07-07-2024, 11:14:58 »
I don't plan to add as this is not a typical file hosting site.

I can consider if more users will be interested and willing to donate for that.
Requests / and REQ
« Last post by crewockeez on 06-07-2024, 19:16:13 »
REQ and
Requests / Re: Customization of file logs
« Last post by AZAnon on 05-07-2024, 22:01:24 »
Okay, my mistake.

I didn't notice that for some reason I checked in the options to save the link itself, so it actually wasn't random :V

But I still think it would be nice to have some more control over the log format than the default or the link itself.
Requests / Re: Customization of file logs
« Last post by z_o_o_m on 30-06-2024, 22:34:01 »
What do you mean with "some of the logs"?
My program has fixed log format for file links (date, host, link, name). Or you can switch to log links only. There is no random behavior.
Completed / Re: Automatically resume failed uploads
« Last post by z_o_o_m on 30-06-2024, 22:31:24 »
There is "try count" in settings.
Requests / Customization of file logs REQ
« Last post by AZAnon on 30-06-2024, 20:21:07 »
I don't know why, but some of the logs saved me in a characteristic way with a set of information like date, upload time, hosting, file name link.
The rest of the logs, are just links without the other information.
I do not have the option to choose for myself what information is to be saved, in what form, etc.

Links alone may be enough as you upload one file to multiple hosts, but when you upload multiple files to multiple hosts, then links alone are not sufficient information.

Completed / Automatically resume failed uploads OK
« Last post by AZAnon on 30-06-2024, 19:51:41 »
Some web hosts throw an error during uploading, for various reasons, but usually these are temporary problems, and if I manually choose to resume all uploads with a status of "failed", they eventually get successfully uploaded one time.
Completed / Re: Request Support UNICODE file name
« Last post by minhuu on 28-06-2024, 03:17:40 »
File names containing Chinese characters have an error when displayed
Completed / Re:
« Last post by z_o_o_m on 26-06-2024, 23:12:35 »
It works via VPN.

If you can donate 10-20$, it will be added in the next update. Mail me for details.,3975.0.html
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