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Problem s download serverom

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Pri pokuse o update programu sa nic nedeje, skusal som priamo cez hlavnu stranku, ale ani z tej sa neda verzia 4.7.9 ani 5.2.0 downloadnut. Dalo by sa s tym nieco spravit?

to mi chces rict, ze z hlavni stranky nelze stahout?? me to jde uplne normalne

no skusam to, skusam, ale fakt mi to nejde... ani cez firefox ani cez IE... takze v prehliadaci to nebude. ale aj v anglickej verzii fora tam este vcera niekto pisal, ze to nefunguje, ja som to tiez skusal vcera, neslo to.

ted to urcite jde ... a co se stane, kdyz to nejde? :D
neukaze se nic?
jinak tam je jeste x7.to link ...

praveze sa nestane nic  :D proste hodi klasicku firefoxovsku hlasku:

The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

    *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

    *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

    *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

cez tu alternativu to funguje, ten link som si predtym nejako nevsimol  8) skusal som to aj na inom PC, ci to nahodou nie je v mojom nb, ale ani tam to neslo.


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