I don't know if this is going to be possible. I sometimes upload files to NETLOAD.IN and it asks for my password of the password protected archive files to get the link. Is it possible to create a small list of all possible passwords I am going to be using for a particular site? So next time if a FileHosting asks like this, the password will be scanned through the password list for its hosting URL and use the one that works.
Another way, when you load in some files into the FIU, you can add a DROP DOWN menu somewhere in this Window? Like the little DROP DOWN menu will appear around the "Use Account" or somewhere there when a HOST which asks for archive passwords is selected by the user from the FileHosting DROP DOWN list.
Btw, I like this second because the FIU doesn't need to scan for the working password in case the FileHosting doesn't support multiple times of adding the password.

What do you think?