Author Topic: Graphic Contest :)  (Read 106164 times)

Offline z_o_o_m

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yes, it is :) read on my homepage and in my app see hosting list ;)


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I Thins I Will Choose The Registration Key ...

Can u send it to my Email Plz ...

Offline ghostafa

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I hope to be good

Offline ghostafa

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And this is the second

Offline z_o_o_m

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this is quite good but I look for something different

- it has to be smaller
- it has to be clear that it is File & Image Uploader (FIU, FUp) ... I can't recognize it from your picture
- it can be simple, but inventive and original

Offline roberwii

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Offline roberwii

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Offline z_o_o_m

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hey, cool idea! I like it ;)
can you try to improve the second one? the arrow could be better and the text with smaller "bubble" efect ;)
how did you the text? some font?

and I have to find out where to put it :D

Offline roberwii

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if you can improve, tell him I add or change. give me a picture of a arrow or tell me where to move? the text is at 72, under 48 for example. is the source of ALIENS

« Last Edit: 16-05-2010, 21:12:10 by roberwii »

Offline roberwii

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Offline z_o_o_m

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give me just the "z_o_o_m" on empty background with no bubble effect ;) ... with the first font :)

Offline roberwii

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so what do you want?

Offline z_o_o_m

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no no, that 2 color font - black/grey ;) ... from number 3

Offline roberwii

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Offline z_o_o_m

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that is great ;)