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test filecrypt

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It has to be green. Try again. If it fails again report it from settings directly.

Once reporting, among other things, I checked better email and password, I had used more email but a strange thing happens. I state that I had two accounts and I had used this that gives me problems to access and with your program tells me active but black color. While with the account and the email that from browser I access quietly with your program gives me red.

It has to be green. If it is not, it is probably not correct. I tested it and it should work.

I'm also new using this program. But my question is also with Filecrypt.

So I run the Link protector (Tools menu), and upload the file (group selected). OK. But the link protector doesn´t create a folder name. My links are with name and is there a way to create a folder with the same name of the file in filecrypt?

I know that it works manually to set a folder name, but is there a way to do it using the file name automatically, like 001,002,003.


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