English (Global) > Bug reporting

When I try to log into Up-4Ever the program hangs


hello good morning when i use Up-4Ever, (does not load and the program is completely blank.)
and I want to log in through the application I have a high CPU consumption probe with another computer the same result.
If you login through the website there are no problems, it is the application.

I have windows 7 64 bits ultimate, Eset Internet Security 13

Photo https://prnt.sc/xsup9d

You are right. The problem is that Internet Explorer can't open this site. I don't know how to help.
The site requires captcha, my program uses Internet Explorer to open the site and you solve the captcha.
But Internet Explorer also hangs when you open it. You need to contact the site to fix this issue. I can't do anything right now.

it's a joke right? how do you ask me to contact the internet explorer site when they removed full browser support.
now they use microsoft edge. I recommend that you change the browser in the program
I would like you to offer a solution to your program, don't let him die.

I meant that you should contact up-4ever.org.
But it seems they changed their domain. I can update that.
Now it does not freeze anymore.


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