English (Global) > Bug reporting

fallo de carga de androidhost.ru


Good morning, I come to report errors that appear in the program, because when I start immediately, it stays ready in the state part and after a couple of minutes it changes in the state part, but it is going up. a countdown in the remaining part that is infinite, that is, when it reaches zero, the countdown starts again, it does not happen.
can you fix these bugs please i would really appreciate it :)

I contact him by this means since when I give him the message with LOG errors, the program tells me that the message could not be sent and that he contact him by email

I use windows xp professional xp3 without antivirus and disabled the firewall

I also use windows 10 pro 1909 compilation 18363.720 with Eset internet security antivirus
the eset antivirus does not cause any conflict since I have been able to upload to other servers with the antivirus activated

Here I leave the codes that appear to me from the bugs
2020-03-28 01:14:53 UP: Send (1) (SocketError: Socket Error # 10060 / Connection timed out.)
2020-03-28 01:14:53 Mistake # 02

have a good afternoon :)

That is some connection issue. Make sure that my program is not blocked and can access my homepage.

good afternoon I inform you that I can access your home page without any difficulty and as I mentioned I have been able to upload to other servers but it is the first time that it fails to upload files to a cloud :(

No idea. You have to report anything from my program


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