English (Global) > Bug reporting

failed uploads to Google Drive



I have a strange problem with FIU:
I'm uploading files to Google Drive (G-Suite) and the tool is reporting some files as "failed", but with 100% progress. Usually I queue those files again for upload to "get them green". So I have those files multiple times in my Google Drive Folder.
Today I checked such a "failed" upload - I downloaded and extracted it with no problems  ???. So obviously the upload was successful - why is the tool marking them as "failed"?

It seems to happen the more often the bigger the files are (>10 GB). Is there anyway to avoid this?

Another question: Could the buffer size lead to this behavior? I have 1 Gbit downlink and 50 Mbit uplink, uploading 2 files simultaneously with ~2,5 MB/sec and set buffer size to 2.048 kb.

Thanks and regards

Report it directly from my program as described on the picture

I reported such a case now.
Maybe the setting "private file /public file" is the problem? It is set to "public file" per default, but after upload all files are private. I changed the setting now to private file in FIU - maybe thats the solution?

You should try to increase "Timeout" option in settings. That should fix the problem.
I am not aware of any problem with public/private option.


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