Author Topic: Always use the biggest possible units  (Read 3642 times)

Offline nyuszika7h

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Always use the biggest possible units
« on: 02-08-2017, 19:31:10 »
The app seems to decide pretty arbitrarily when to use kB, MB, or GB, and sometimes uses smaller units even when it could use a bigger one. I'd prefer if it always used the biggest possible units rounded to two decimal places. Maybe make it an option if there's some logic behind the current behavior. For example, this is what I'd like to see:

1,234.00 kB -> 1.23 MB
2,345.00 MB -> 2.35 GB
« Last Edit: 02-08-2017, 19:33:29 by nyuszika7h »

Offline z_o_o_m

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Re: Always use the biggest possible units
« Reply #1 on: 02-08-2017, 19:55:56 »
It is not random.
The upload list uses B, KB and MB only. It uses biggest possible unit (divided by 1024).

Offline nyuszika7h

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Re: Always use the biggest possible units
« Reply #2 on: 07-08-2017, 11:33:37 »
Seems random to me. In the upload list, it uses kB/s until it hits 4.0 MB/s. (Most people including me are not going to reach 1 GB/s so that one doesn't matter much there, but it doesn't necessarily have to be limited to MB.) Stats tab seems to use GB properly for "Overall upload" but always uses MB for "Overall upload (this run)" so far.

Also, 1024? I thought you use 1000 because I read that somewhere on the site. But anyway, if you're using 1024, you really should be using IEC binary units (KiB, MiB, GiB). <> That will avoid people being confused with the OS showing different sizes than the app, because Windows uses them wrong too. (Sure, some people may ask what the hell those units are, but there's plenty of things users are too lazy to look up...) I don't mind if you stay with the current units and just change the multipler to 1000 per SI either. Or if you insist on following the common wrong usage, please at least don't use lowercase "kB" which suggests you're complying with SI standards. In that case, just use "KB" like Windows does.
« Last Edit: 07-08-2017, 11:53:41 by nyuszika7h »

Offline z_o_o_m

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Re: Always use the biggest possible units
« Reply #3 on: 07-08-2017, 16:28:40 »
MB is used as highest unit in all places except the "Overall upload" which can show GB.
I use 1024 everywhere (like Windows) and it should show KB only but it seems there are some leftovers (I will update that).

Offline nyuszika7h

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Re: Always use the biggest possible units
« Reply #4 on: 08-08-2017, 17:33:56 »
Well, I have no idea what's wrong then, but like I said, in some cases I only get kB when it could be MB already... Overall upload in this session should also be able to show GB though IMO.


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