English (Global) > Bug reporting
Solidfiles not work.
hello Zoom
Can you please update Solidfiles.com
It does not work and even with Account it Fails the upload.
No log are visible either.
it works fine here. Send bug report via right click for any failed upload from program directly.
For some reason when uploading exactly 500MB parts it will fail upload, but anything 400MB or lower it seems to work fine...
could you look into this?
I have tested site and it allows 500MB upload.
Here is the result for Log
2015-10-19 12:57:15 UP: Send(1) (HTTPProtocolException:HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway) (solidfiles.com)
I found the problem.. but it is very strange.
Anything 488MB and lower will upload with your App. Any higher it will cause an error.
It seems your program *thinks* that if it exceeds 500,000 KB it reacts as if it's 500MB, but it is only 489MB.
Could you confirm if same happens to you?
I found the reason. I will update my program.
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