English (Global) > Bug reporting
Uplodable not showing the file as online
Hi, upload a file to uploadable.ch (registered version of your program) is working fine and the download link is working well, but if you log-in into your premium uploadable account with a web browser you can't find anywhere the file you have just uploaded and also search for it not return any result. the web upload for the same fine is working well so the problem must be in your program. Thank you in advance and sorry for my bad english
My program works correctly. You just have to setup your account in settings.
Report any finished upload
As I said before, the file is uploaded with no errors and the download link provided by your program is working. It's not the first time i use your program and I already use my premium uploadable login information in the program. The problem is only when I go online for menage my stored files: the uploaded file isn't listed anywhere and i can't move, rename or search for it (but the download is still possible) this is a very strange behavior and I invite you to verify by yourself. Thank you again
I need that bug report - report that green line with any uploaded file. Screenshots are useless.
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