English (Global) > Completed
request file host www.streamupload.com
newbielink:http://www.streamupload.com/ [nonactive]
1. You can upload any type of file. (archives, documents, pictures, music, videos etc)
2. The file cannot exceed 100MB in size.
3. You cannot upload executable and system files. (.exe, .com, .bat, .dll etc)
4. If the uploaded file is not downloaded for more than 30 days, it will be deleted.
5. Do not upload illegal and copyrighted files and thereby promote piracy.
6. Do not upload adult content.
7. No waiting time for download / uploads.
8. No registration required.
9. A completely free service!
NOTE: Please do not upload files over 100MB size, as the full upload happens before the file is rejected. This will be a waste of your bandwidth as well as the server's bandwidth.
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