English (Global) > Bug reporting

ImageTwist Problem


At the beginning sorry for my bad english, I use google translator.

I have a problem with the host in the title.

I downloaded the latest version of the program and do not see the option added ImageTwist.

At the beginning when I click on the icon File Hosters that there is a visible Imagetwist that kind of work, and so on.

But as I enter in Settings> File hosters are in this menu do not see IT.

Likewise, when you add a file or foleru, in the list of available hosts is not IT.

I tried it on 3 different computers - two are running Win 7, one is running XP.

On one of the Kaspersky Internet Security and Antivirus NOD second.

3 computer did not have AV.

Computers are connected to two different networks.

I have tried several times to overwrite. Exe file, the downloaded from various sources on your site and is not suitable for anything.

Help me.

ImageTwist was removed. Send me an e-mail for more info.


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