English (Global) > Bug reporting
Wo sind denn meine Files
Hallo Zoom,
sag mal bitte wo meine files landen, ich habe die accounts aktiviert und auch die haken drin aber einige meiner files landen nicht in meinem account sondern, in einem anderen mir völlig unbekannten, die filehoster uploaded.net und uploadable wollen mir hier zu allerdings keine weitere auskunft geben zu wem der account gehört in dem die files liegen. die files sind allerdings verfügbar und können gedownloaded werden.
sorry für den ton aaaaaaaaaaaber: bescheisst du uns und leitest ab und zu nen file in deine eigenen hosteraccounts? wofür bezahlen wir dich denn dann bitte auch noch wenn du dich dreist bedienst?
I had the same problem also with Share Online. The support of Share-Online could not help myself. The data were online, but some parts not in my account. All settings were correct. Where is the problem here? Is this fraud by you ?
Why do you think that I built bug reporting in my program? :)
Send bug report and I am able to solve any problem
now you know the problem and so you can fix it, i think is not necessary to report the bug again via your tool. solve the prob and all is fine, other users reports the same problem to me and they are thinking you are cheating us.
It is necessary to send bug reports. That's why it is there.
If you have 1000 possibilities where the problem could be, you point out there is some problem,
I don't plan to go through 1000 possibilities. Bug report is the way I have to go through only 10 possibilites.
"other users reports the same problem" ... where? I haven't recieved any single bug report.
When I don't recieve bug reports, it means there is no problem.
(If you are ill, you tell it to the doctor or to your neighbour. It is not logical to tell it to your neighbour. Doctor treats illness)
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