I understand you're trying to make money of your product, but I simply do not like being tricked into buying software. You should of either let me buy the software from the start or make the freeware at least usable. the free version is completely useless to the average uploader now, and so is the registered version. I upload massively to 4 different hosts exceeding 50GB within seconds.
Until yesterday I was using your software with the ability to use 8 parallel uploads, I didn't upgrade for a while so everything kept working. When I upgraded later today I lost this ability. Upon finding out that I'd now have to pay for this feature I was disappointed and opted to install an older version. This failed, even though I had removed all files from the server.
So I thought maybe you updated the feature remotely, so even older versions have this. But this is false as installing the old version on another computer gave me back the ability to upload 8 files at the same time, so i'll ask again. What is it I have to delete to completely remove this file from my server.