English (Global) > Bug reporting
Zshare.net premium not working in latest version of fileuploader
thanks, no problem :)
Sir,The problem is not resolved..................when I uploaded a file of 40MB it is successful,but when I uploaded a file of size 730MB,the same result again,it is not loadin in to my account,also giving a false link
I am attaching the link which I am getting
http://uber-uploader.sourceforge.net -->
<link rel=
this is not right
Zshare can accept the file size up to 2GB,the problem is not resolved,Please help me out.............Thanks in advance.
Error log
6/28/2009 12:56:34 AM MU: No response (zshare.net)
weird, I'll try
ok, I found the problem and it will be fixed (for sure) in next version :)
Hello Zoom
Zshare.net ,in the new release,it just worked once for me successful with a 750MB file.But later it looks like zshare has changed the website completely after that,from then onwards ,it never worked.I was getting errors like "cannot retrieve download links error",This was the message after that.
I tried three times ...........all the time same errors...............i wasted some 3-5GB bandwidth now
Zoom,could you please have a look and fix this issue
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