Spanish section ... > General Discussion

no me aparecen los enlaces en megaupload

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yes. I think it goes like free files. FIU and I've uninstalled reinstalled in a different folder, but it restarts just as before.

please, add screenshots :)
- settings
- add file


I see ... that is probably a bug on megaupload ....
the files usually appear later (about 1 day)

Estos archivos llevan subidos más de una semana, y no te hablo de estos, te hablo de unos cientos más. El caso es que me he puesto en contacto con Megaupload, ellos tardan dos días laborables en contestar, hasta el martes nada, y te pregunto a ti por si se había dado el caso. Si tienes alguna sugerencia, se acepta. Es que me da miedo estar subiendo, postear enlaces y que no sean contados.  Todos los que cargo con megaupload lo son, pero con FiU no. Gracias por la atención.

These files are uploaded over a week, and do not speak of these, I'm talking about hundreds more. The fact is that I have been in contact with Megaupload, they take two business days to answer, until Tuesday nothing, and I ask you if she had been the case. If you have any suggestions, it is accepted. It scares me be uploading, posting links and not be counted. All those who are charged with megaupload but not FIU. Thanks for your attention.


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