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Uploading falla

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ok, got it ;)
it is a server issue ... you can't upload more than 1 file at the same time to as they have some protection system ...

But if yesterday was getting into uploading without any problems, I do not think that is the problem of having too much security ....

no, nothing changed in my app ;)
this happens because you upload too many files at once ... you can try it - go to and pres F5 (reload page) many times ...

So what solution do you have?, I can only upload 1 by 1? Not understand what happened yesterday and today picks up any link.

What I say is not a problem to upload many files at once I upload a single and it fails again, I think it has to be a problem of the program, yesterday did not happen.

no, it is not a problem in my app ;) I know it for sure :)
Just wait a while, then check again ... Maybe some server issue ...


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