English (Global) > Bug reporting

Uploads not working on Megaupload and on Hotfile


2 Problems

It seems that I can't use the File Uploader, no matter what I do, change, fix or pay for....

regarding Megaupload, whenever I upload a file (no matter how small or big), when it reaches 100% it says "error, download link not found" (turns red and doesn't work, no matter how many times I try to reupload the files....)-

regarding Hotfile.... the uploads work, they go to 100% and say done, and the link shows on the log. But the files never actually go into my Hotfile account!! Not ever!!

And just to clarify things: I have a premium (PAID) account on Hotfile, premium account on Megaupload too, I have the REGISTERED version of the File Uploader, and both host accounts are properly configured on the File Uploader program.

And it doesn't work. I have reported it tons of times already, and no matter what the answer is or "solution", nothing works.....

Ideas???!!! I really want the program to work, but it seems like it's full of bugs. I want to be able to upload the files into my PREMIUM Hotfile and Megaupload accounts.............

- do not use bold font
- I sent you many replies on your emails (reports) ... you should choose better e-mail address if you don't read that one you provided (or check your spam)
- my app has probably bugs but it is NOT full of bugs
- my app uploads to hotfile and megaupload properly if it is ALLOWED
- hotfile account support is limited, read
- send me and error report for megaupload too (with right click), so I can find out


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