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Problema: Megaupload y Rapidshare

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Generalmente subo archivos a Megaupload y Rapidshare pero de 10 archivos, aproximadamente 3 me dicen lo siguiente:

Error: Download link not found.

Entiendo que puede ser mi conexion, pero siempre es esa cantidad determinada de archivos, a veces son seguidos los errores cuando llega al 100% ¿a alguien mas le sucede?

Mi velocidad es de 512kb subida (triste) asique entenderan que 200MB tarda al menos 1 hora en completarse (con suerte). Como solo uso Megaupload y Rapidshare note que me sucede por igual la frecuencia de errores.

Ya envie el reporte pero queria saber si soy el unico en esta situacion.  ^-^

1) if it fails, right click and report it ... I can't find out if I don't see the error
2) if your connection is so slow, you can't upload too many files at once and make sure that buffer size in settings is set correctly (low)
3) firewall or antivirus can cause this problem too

Thanks for the reply!

1) Already done  ;)

2) It's set to 1 upload at the time, what could be de correct buffer size with 512k up.? it's on 512kb right now maybe that's not correct..

3) That's no problem.

The only thing i can see about the error it's the red bar at 100%, the file completed and the words: Error: Download link not found in the link list.  :)

The above answer its me, session time over  :P

ok, it seems that you didn't set the buffer size correctly!
it should be something like 32-64k ... 512 is for really fast connections (512KB/s, 1MB/s)

you have 512kb/s = 64kB/s ... different unit


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